General Description
- Data collection and analysis: The dashboard will gather information from a range of trustworthy sources, such as public records, academic institutions, and satellite photography. In order to examine trends and patterns in agriculture, crop production, climate, and other pertinent elements, it will make use of data analytics and visualization approaches
Obstacles and Opportunities: The dashboard will highlight the major obstacles that the agricultural industry faces, such a lack of water, a changing climate, market access, and small landholding sizes. The prospects for sustainable practices, crop diversification, and value addition will also be highlighted.
Visualizing Geospatial Data: Agricultural productivity, land use, and irrigation patterns across various areas will be shown graphically using geospatial mapping. This will make it possible for stakeholders and policymakers to pinpoint regions in need of focused actions.
The dashboard will highlight successful case studies of farmers and communities that have adopted sustainable agricultural techniques. It will include details on agroforestry, organic farming, water-efficient irrigation, and other ecologically beneficial approaches.
Forecasting and Early Warning System:
The dashboard will provide a forecasting and early warning system for extreme occurrences like droughts and floods by combining weather and climate data. This will help farmers plan ahead and make well-informed decisions.
Market Linkages and Price Trends:
Information on market access and price developments for agricultural commodities will be shown on the dashboard. Farmers will benefit from its assistance in locating viable markets, lowering their reliance on intermediaries, and assuring fair pricing.